ERP for the Food and Beverage Industry

Food has always played a highly central and emotional connection in people’s lives. Dating back to the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and India, all were aware of the link between food and health; food and community; and food and life. In today’s fast-paced, modern life that link has not weakened. But, like…

Six Steps to Build a Solid Foundation for Your Corporate Digital Strategy

As business models evolve to capitalize on the emerging opportunities enabled through the digital transformation, your organization must plan next steps. Defining how you will meet customer expectations, differentiate yourself from competitors and build for the future provides the roadmap to keep the business on course with all hands pulling in the same direction. While…

Dynamics 365 Spring 2018 release – documentation & readiness

Big news for the Dynamics community! Microsoft just announced the Dynamics 365 Spring 2018 release, and it comes with many major changes. The Dynamics 365 Spring 2018 release will affect most areas of Dynamics 365. Amongst the wealth of modifications which are about to be made. This new release is a focal point of the Microsoft Business Forward event in Amsterdam.